As a coach of Capital Amateur Hockey Association (CAHA), I hereby pledge to conduct myself in a manner that complies with the “Zero Tolerance Policy” of USA Hockey.
As a coach, I agree to:
1. Show respect for the players, coaches, officials, other parents, and spectators.
2. Demonstrate and encourage good sportsmanship and the concept of fair play.
3. Uphold the essential elements of USA Hockey’s Zero Tolerance Policy, in an effort to make ice hockey a more desirable and rewarding experience for all participants.
4. Promote and support the Player Code of Conduct Agreement, including but not limited to its emphasis on good sportsmanship and fair play.
5. Support a drug and alcohol free environment.
6. Provide encouragement to each player on ways they can personally improve as a hockey player and a team player.
7. Be available for individual parent meetings if requested.
8. Handle player injuries with responsibility and caution to insure that each player’s health receives first priority ie any head injuries.
Further, I pledge NOT to:
9. Use obscene or vulgar language to anyone at any time.
10. Publicly criticize players, coaches, or game officials.
11. Taunt players, coaches, officials, or other spectators by means of baiting, ridiculing, or threat of physical violence.
12. Throw any object in the spectator viewing area, player bench, penalty box, or on the ice surface.
13. Engage in any other physical aggression toward a player, coach, official, or spectator.
14. Allow Cell phones and other mobile devices with recording capabilities, including voice recording, still cameras and video cameras, TO BE USED IN THE LOCKER ROOMS, violating this will result in immediate disciplinary action and it is also a violation of the USA Hockey Safesport Policy.
By signing this document either physically or electronically, I agree to abide by and uphold the above stated Code of Conduct Agreement.
I understand that violating this Code of Conduct Agreement may result in my expulsion from the bench/rink and game area, and may subject me or my team to penalties as determined by USA Hockey, game and/or team officials, and/or CAHA. I also understand violating this agreement may subject me to a Hearing with CAHA’s Disciplinary Committee and additional sanctions including removal from the team could occur.
This form is being accepted electronically, you can print a copy upon completion of the registration for the team.
All coaches MUST accept this Capital Amateur Hockey Association (CAHA), Code of Conduct!!