CAHA 67's Pre-Post Hockey

Pre-High School teams are formed for players who will be skating for their OHSAA high schools and are looking for a hockey option prior to the high school hockey season. The OHSAA high school hockey season typically runs from November through February/March (depending on how far the team goes in the playoffs), so pre-post offers these skaters a chance to skate before and after this season (August – October, then there is a possibility of a post-season tournament in March, based on the team).

Pre-High School teams are a great way for those entering their first high school hockey season to get introduced to high school hockey, and a great way for players who do not play a fall sport to get ready for the high school hockey season. They provide an opportunity to get to know players that you will play with and against during the high school season. 


18U (2005-2006)

16U (2007-2008)

15U (2008-2009)

We will be creating teams based on coaching availability and interest in the program. Our goal is to have a 15U team made up of 2008 and 2009 birth-year players. We will also have programming at 16U for any player 2007 and younger based on skill level and experience. Last, we will be creating 18U team(s) for any player born in 2005 or after

general information

- Level of play is Tier 2 – AA 

- Approximately 20 games from mid-August through end of October

- 1-4 tournaments depending on the team

- Expected cost: $1000

- Teams may re-form in March for post-season play

- Teams are limited for up to a maximum of 5 players per same high school

Jerseys and Pant Shells

Jerseys and Pant Shells are not included in the fee, but are required. Once the teams are set you will be contacted regarding ordering jerseys/apparel.


Approximately 15 practices, generally twice/week in August, once/week in September, and once every other week in October

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